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Commit your path to the Lord


“Then Job answered the LORD, saying, 'I know that you can do all things, and that none of your purposes can be hindered. Who is this that conceals counsel without knowledge? Therefore I have told what I did not understand; things that were unsearchable to me, and which I did not understand. So listen to me, and I will speak; I will ask you, and you will teach me. With the hearing of my ears I heard, but now my eyes see you. Therefore I abhor myself and repent in dust and ashes.”

Job 42:1-6

At this point, Job had already gone through his tribulation, and God spoke to him and showed him that divine understanding is very broad and man cannot reach it. That's when Job responded and said the words above. Job acquired wisdom at this point. He came to the full conviction that God is infinite in knowledge and wisdom and that it is better to learn from Him than to argue with Him. Many things God does in our lives that we don't understand, but instead of murmuring and questioning Him, we can, like Job, sit at His feet and ask Him to teach us; then He will teach us hidden things that we don't know, we will understand His ways and see that all things have contributed to our good according to His direction.

A new year is beginning and the best way to start it is to surrender our paths to God; to ask Him to direct us, to reveal His will to us, and to lead us according to what He knows is best for each of us. The Word says: “Commit your way to the Lord, trust in Him, and He will do all the rest.” Psalms 37:5 But know this: The path that God leads us to walk is the path of obedience to His Law, to the Ten Commandments that He proposed as the rule of happiness for man. By walking in the Law we will be perfect, and for that we need the help that the Lord has already provided through Jesus!

May we cling to Christ this year, and through him may we live according to the will of our Heavenly Father!


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